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【重要】部分供应商账号名变更通知 [Important] Notice Regarding Change of the Account Name of Some Suppliers


[Important] Notice Regarding Change of the Account Name of Some Suppliers

为了给中兴合作伙伴提供更优质的服务,中兴供应商协同系统(SCC)(网址将对部分账号名进行调整。2022年3月20日起,将陆续在公司账号名前增加不同前缀(CL、YB或WB)进行区隔识别(密码不变),账号名有变更的用户将收到我们的通知邮件,具体详情请见邮件。届时请使用新的账号名登录SCC系统(PC端)、ZTE iSupply(移动端)、ISCP系统及外包商系统,谢谢!如无法登录,请联系中兴对应业务人员或认证经理,给您带来不便,敬请谅解。

Dear Partner,

In order to provide better service to ZTE partners, ZTE Supply Chain Collaboration system (SCC) adjust some account names. Since March 20th, 2022, different prefixesCLYB or WB) will be added in front of the company's account name for separate identification(password unchanged). Users with changed account name will receive our notification email. Please log in with the new account name at that time. Thank you! If you can't log in, please contact the corresponding business personnel or certification manager of ZTE. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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