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中兴通讯供应商行为准则Supplier CSR Code of Conduct


中兴通讯供应商行为准则Supplier CSR Code of Conduct



ZTE has been committed to promoting commercial integrity in the supply chain and duly undertaking social responsibilities. This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements of ZTE Corporation on individual respect, environmental protection, and social responsibilities for the suppliers in ZTE's supply chain. All the suppliers are expected to comply with this Code of Conduct.


1 诚信守法 Integrity and Law Compliance


In addition to the ZTE Supplier Code of Conduct (hereinafter the "Code of Conduct"), the suppliers shall also comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards of the country or area where they operate. If the applicable laws, regulations or standards of the country or area where the suppliers operate and this Code of Conduct have provisions with respect to the same subject that do not conflict, the provisions with higher requirements shall prevail. If any provision in this Code of Conduct conflicts with any applicable laws, regulations, or standards of the country or area where the suppliers operate, which may result in breach of laws through compliance with this Code of Conduct, the applicable laws, regulations, or standards shall prevail.


人权 Human Rights


Suppliers shall respect the human rights recognized on an international basis, and shall not infringe upon these rights in any form. Suppliers shall respect the personal dignity, privacy, and basic rights of each employee.


 劳工标准 Labor Standards


3.1 童工与未成年工 Child Labor and Underage Labor

【红线1】严禁使用童工。供方不得雇佣或者使用童工,不得雇用低于最低法定就业年龄的任何人在中国儿童指任何16周岁以下的人;在其他国家 “儿童指任何15周岁以下的人当国家或当地法律法规规定了更高的义务教育年龄或者最低的法定就业年龄时较高者为准。童工指儿童或青少年从事劳动,国际劳工组织(ILO)最小年龄公约(C1973)规定可以接受的情形除外。

Redline 1The use of child labor is strictly prohibited. Suppliers shall not employ or use children for work, nor employ any persons below the minimum legal age of employment. In China, a child refers to any person below 16 years old. In other countries, a child refers to any person below 15 years old. If any national or local laws or regulations define a higher standard for compulsory education age or minimum legal age of employment, the higher standard shall apply. Child labor means that children or teenagers are employed for work, except in the cases allowed by the Minimum Age Convention (C1973) adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO).


If suppliers find any employment or use of children for work, they shall immediately take remedies intended for guaranteeing the maximum benefits of children.


Suppliers shall provide, support, and/or establish policies and plans to assist any children involved in child labor.


Suppliers shall guarantee that underage employees below 18 years old will not be involved in hazardous work. In this Code of Conduct, hazardous work refers to subjecting an employee to the following: physical, emotional, or sexual offense; underground, underwater, overhead, or restricted workspace; use of hazardous machines, instruments, and tools, or handling or transfer of heavy materials; exposure to hazardous substances, drugs, or work flows, or improper temperature, noise, or vibration; long working hours, night work, or unreasonable restriction.


3.2 迫劳动 Forced Labor


Redline 2Forced labor is strictly prohibited. Suppliers shall not use forced labor, compulsory labour, prison labor, bonded labor, bondage or human trafficking, physical or verbal abuse, or sexual violence. Suppliers shall guarantee that employees are employed on the basis of free will.


The employees of suppliers shall be entitled to leave their jobs or terminate the labor relations by giving a reasonable notice. Employees can leave their jobs upon expiration of the notice. All employment relations are established on the basis of free will. Suppliers shall sign an employment contract that includes a reasonable notice period with each employee.


Suppliers shall not request employees to pay any deposit, undertake liabilities, or pledge any identity certification documents or similar documents and use such documents as the prerequisite for employment or salary retention, or refuse to pay salaries.


Suppliers shall sign a written labor contract that contains comprehensible employment terms and conditions with each employee.


3.3 自由结社 Freedom of Association


Suppliers shall respect the right of employees to freedom of joining or not joining the trade union or similar organization and to collective bargaining as permitted by applicable laws.


Suppliers shall allow their employees to have public communication with the management, to build up good employment relationships and properly resolve problems.

供方不得歧视员工代表或者工会成员,保证他们在工作场合能够行使工会职能。Suppliers shall not discriminate employee representatives or trade union members, and shall ensure that they can perform their trade union duties in the workplace.


3.4 歧视与惩戒 Discrimination and Punishment


Suppliers shall not directly or indirectly be involved in or support discrimination in any form in employment, salaries, training opportunities, promotion, dismissal, retirement, or decision-making on the basis of race, color, age, veteran status, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, language, ethnic origin, disability, religion, political status, social group membership, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous origin, medical status, AIDS, social status, property, blood lineage, marital status, and association membership.


Suppliers shall not force employees or prospective employees to accept discriminative medical checks.


Suppliers shall respect all their employees, and shall completely prohibit and oppose any unacceptable or humiliating acts, including but not limited to emotional or sexual harassment, discriminative actions, sex-related, forced, threatening, intimidatory, scandalous, and exploitative language and bodily contacts.


3.5 工作时长 Hours of Work


Suppliers shall ensure that employees do not work for excessively long time, and the hours of work shall at least meet the applicable laws and regulations of the country or area where the suppliers operate. The sum of regular and overtime working hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours.


Suppliers shall respect employees' rights to have a rest and ensure that each employee has at least one day's rest after working for six consecutive days.


Suppliers shall guarantee the right of employees to paid leaves.


If the employees of suppliers are required to work overtime in special cases (which may include emergency cases, but not including expected peak periods of production), in no event shall the working hours exceed the threshold. Suppliers shall determine the types of work and acceptable working hours on the basis of roles.


Suppliers shall explore development methods to improve work efficiency, for example, product generalization or modular design, process innovation, production equipment upgrade, production process automation, and production plan peak filling, to minimize the working hours of employees.


3.6 工资与补偿 Salary and Compensation


Suppliers shall pay a compensation at least satisfying the minimum wage standard stipulated by the applicable laws and regulations of the country or area where the suppliers operate.


Suppliers shall perform a regular review of workers' wages to ensure they are paying a fair wage or living wage (defined as a wage sufficient to provide the necessities and comforts essential to an acceptable standard of living).


Suppliers shall ensure that their employees are aware of the employment conditions, and shall provide reasonable and fair salaries and any legal or agreed fringe benefits.


Suppliers shall not deduct salaries as punishment.


Suppliers must pay salaries to employees on a timely basis and shall describe the salary structure to employees.


4 健康与安全 Health and Safety


Redline 3Exposure of employees, contractors, partners, or other persons who may be affected by the activities of the employees, contractors, and partners to an environment that may cause immediate death, serious personal injuries, or serious health damage is strictly prohibited. Suppliers shall fully identify hazard sources in the working environment and formulate effective control measures to eliminate any working conditions that may cause immediate death, serious personal injuries, or serious health damage. Employees have the right to refuse unsafe operations and unhealthy working environments.

4.1 通用要求 General requirements


Suppliers shall provide a healthy and safe working environment for their employees, contractors, partners or other persons who may be affected by their activities in accordance with international standards and national laws.


Supplier shall obtain the necessary health and safety licenses, and update them continuously if necessary to ensure that the health and safety licenses comply with the relevant requirements. In addition, the Supplier shall comply with the regulations related to the licenses.


Suppliers shall establish sound mechanisms to ensure that health and safety responsibilities and obligations are communicated and applied to all parties within their control.


Suppliers shall establish a health and safety risk assessment and prevention system, including hazard source identification, risk analysis, risk grading, and effective control measures to prevent accidents. The formulated control measures shall be applied to control health and safety risks by eliminating, replacing/mitigating, controlling engineering, controlling administration and providing personal labor protection supplies. Qualified and trained personnel shall be used in the process to provide and maintain safe equipment and tools, including personal labor protection supplies.


Suppliers shall establish and apply mechanisms to ensure that all their employees are capable of fulfilling their health and safety responsibilities and obligations. This includes the nomination and training of personnel at appropriate levels (especially senior management), who are responsible for fulfilling the health and safety responsibilities and obligations of the supplier.


If the supplier provides a dormitory for employees, the supplier shall keep the dormitory clean and safe, provide reasonable living space, and meet the basic living needs of the employees (including their families if applicable).


Suppliers shall provide employees with convenient and clean drinking water. If food and beverages are provided, the suppliers shall ensure food safety and hygiene, and the places where they eat them shall be clean.


Suppliers shall establish a mechanism to evaluate predictable emergencies. For each emergency, emergency plans and response procedures shall be formulated and implemented to minimize personal injury and property loss.


Suppliers shall establish mechanisms for employees to report accidents, attempted incidents, and emergencies, investigate and manage accidents, and formulate effective preventive and corrective measures to eliminate risks. Suppliers shall also have appropriate methods and procedures to improve their capabilities in recording, investigating, and implementing accidents and emergencies.


Supplier shall make its best efforts to control the hazard sources and take the necessary preventive measures against accidental damage and occupational diseases. If necessary, the Supplier shall provide employees with the necessary protective equipment and guide the use of the equipment.


Suppliers shall provide appropriate and regular training to enable employees to learn about health and safety, and use employees' mother languages during the training. The information related to health and safety shall be posted and publicized in positions that are easy for employees to find.


If necessary, the Supplier shall establish an occupational health and safety management system, and ZTE encourages the Supplier to obtain the ISO45001 certificate.

4.2 危险品供方特殊要求 Special Requirements for Suppliers of Dangerous Goods


*** Note 1: Article 4.2 is a special requirement specifically proposed for suppliers of dangerous goods. Suppliers of non-dangerous goods can ignore this Article.


*** Note 2: The dangerous goods refer to the substances and articles with explosive, flammable, toxic, infectious, corrosive, radioactive and other dangerous characteristics, which are easy to cause personal injury, property damage or environmental pollution and need special protection in transportation, storage, production, operation, use and disposal. Dangerous goods commonly used by purchaser include liquid nitrogen, ethanol (alcohol), lithium-ion battery, etc.


The supplier shall have qualified business license, dangerous goods production/operation license and other qualification certificates issued by relevant officials as required by law, and provide corresponding original copies or scanned copies to purchaser.


The vehicles, drivers and escorts used by the supplier for the transportation of dangerous goods shall have corresponding qualifications and be responsible for the safety during the transportation, including the transportation safety of dangerous goods inside and outside the purchaser's company, the preparation of necessary emergency materials and daily drills, so as to ensure the safety during the transportation of dangerous goods.


The supplier has the obligation to provide complete and qualified Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of dangerous goods, and has the obligation to provide necessary technical support, such as emergency disposal, daily storage requirements, and all must be clearly labeled with content of materials, etc.


The supplier shall conscientiously implement the national guidelines and policies on work safety, as well as relevant laws and regulations on work safety and industrial regulations.


The supplier must establish a safety production management system, various rules and regulations and implement safety control measures, and set up competent and sufficient safety management personnel according to the requirements of laws and regulations. The safety management personnel shall be trained and qualified, and work with certificates.


The dangerous goods provided by the supplier shall comply with the relevant international/national standards, laws and regulations.


All dangerous goods provided by the supplier shall pass the safety performance test with record provided.


When the supplier's personnel work in the production and business activities under the jurisdiction of the purchaser, they must strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the purchaser, including but not limited to the speed limit of vehicles, cooperating with the registration and inspection of security personnel, etc. in the same way as if they were the supplier.


If the dangerous goods provided by the supplier belong to highly toxic, easily produced and easily exploded dangerous chemicals category, the supplier is obliged to cooperate with the purchaser to go through compliance procedures in relevant government departments.


Other contents required by laws and regulations to be met by the supplier.


5 环境保护 Environmental Protection


Redline 4The discharge of environmental pollutants that may cause or have caused serious impacts is strictly prohibited to avoid major negative impacts on communities, for example, the discharge of toxic or harmful air and water, the discharge of exhaust gas and waste water without the required treatment, chemical leakage, and the discharge of toxic or harmful substances out of factories.


Suppliers shall comply with relevant laws and international standards in environmental protection, and take proper measures to mitigate the impact of its operation on the environment in the countries where environmental protection laws are inadequate or not forcibly enforced.


Suppliers shall obtain, maintain, and reserve all necessary environmental permits (such as waste management and transportation permits), approval, and registration information.


Emissions and discharges of pollutants and generation of waste are to be minimized or eliminated at the source or by practices such as adding pollution control equipment, improving production, maintenance, and facility processes, or other means.


The natural resources, including water, fossil fuels, minerals, and virgin forest products, are to be conserved by practices such as improving production, maintenance and facility processes, materials substitution, re-use, conservation, recycling, or other means.


Suppliers shall adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and customer requirements for the prohibition or restriction of particular substances. Dangerous chemicals and other materials contained in products, particularly those defined in the RoHS and REACH list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC), must be identified and managed by suppliers to ensure that they are safely used, recycled, reused, or disposed. Suppliers must avoid (or if impossible, minimize) the use of such materials and chemicals.


Suppliers shall implement a water management program to document, classify, and monitor water sources, use and discharge, seek opportunities to conserve water, and control channels of contamination. All waste water is to be classified, monitored, controlled, and treated as required prior to discharge or disposal. Suppliers shall conduct routine monitoring of the performance of its waste water treatment and containment systems to ensure optimal performance and regulatory compliance.

供方应制定公司的温室气体减排目标供方应对照温室气体减排目标,跟踪、记录和公开报告能源消耗和所有相关的 1 类和 2 类温室气体的排放情况。供方应探索开发方法以提高能源效率,并最大程度地减少能源消耗与温室气体排放。

Suppliers shall establish a corporate-wide greenhouse gas reduction goal. Energy consumption and all relevant Scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions are to be tracked, documented, and publicly reported against the greenhouse gas reduction goal. Suppliers shall look for methods to improve energy efficiency and to minimize their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


Suppliers shall implement sustainable production and consumption in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). They shall consider biodiversity and explore development methods to minimize the impact on biodiversity in the daily business operation process and at all key stages of the product/service lifecycle (including design, production, use, recycling, and disposal).


Suppliers shall support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and distribution of environmentally friendly technologies.


Suppliers shall be committed to reducing their impact on the environment and improve the environment performance in a sustainable way. When necessary, suppliers shall establish an environment management system, and are encouraged by ZTE to acquire ISO14001 certification.


6 禁止的商业行为 Prohibited Commercial Activities


Redline 5Bribery, corruption, fraud, money laundering, unfair competition, and support of illegal armed forces are strictly prohibited. For details, see Articles 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5.

6.1 腐败和其他禁止的商业行为 Corruption and Other Prohibited Commercial Activities


ZTE applies a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and any other prohibited commercial activities. Suppliers shall comply with laws and regulations concerning bribery, corruption, fraud, and other prohibited commercial activities.


Suppliers shall not tolerate or participate in any act of bribery, including offering or receive inadequate quotations or payments to or from employees, clients, suppliers, organizations, or individuals.


Suppliers shall not, directly or indirectly, provide, promise, or give any undue advantages, interests, or incentives to any government officials, international organizations or third party.


Suppliers shall establish anti-bribery policies, specifying that zero-tolerance is applied to any form of bribery or corruption within their organizations, including facilitation payments.


Suppliers shall ensure that their employees, contractors, and subcontractors are aware of their anti-bribery policies and how to meet the requirements.


6.2 礼物、招待和开销(商务礼仪) Gifts and Entertainment (Business Etiquette)


Suppliers shall not directly or indirectly provide gifts to ZTE's employees, representatives, or other persons working for ZTE. The travel expenses of ZTE's employees will be borne by ZTE. It is not allowed to provide or accept undue entertainment or gifts during contract negotiation, bidding, and rewarding.


6.3 欺诈和洗钱 Fraud and Money Laundering


Suppliers shall comply with all applicable international laws and standards concerning fraud and money laundering.


Suppliers shall not engage in or shall avoid engaging in any acts that may result in the non-compliance of any party with such international laws or standards.


Suppliers shall maintain effective anti-fraud and (if appropriate) anti-money-laundering regulations to ensure their compliance with relevant laws, including compliance supervision and illegal activity identification.


6.4 竞争行为 Non-Competition Acts


In no event shall suppliers cause or participate in all general or specific non-competition acts, including collective price manipulation, illegal market sharing, or other illegal activities.


6.5 支持非法武装 Support of Illegal Armed Forces


Suppliers shall prohibit any direct or indirect support of non-governmental armed forces or public or private security agencies engaged in illegal activities.


7 在采购矿产时秉承负责任的态度 Responsibility Considered in Purchase of Mineral Products


Suppliers shall establish distinct policies or adequate procedures to avoid intentional purchase of conflict minerals.


Suppliers shall establish policies or procedures to ensure that the tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold contained in the manufactured products will not directly or indirectly fund or benefit armed groups that severely infringe upon human rights. Suppliers shall perform due diligence in the source and supervision of these minerals to satisfy ZTE's requirements.


8 其他 Others


Redline 6Other negative events that may cause or have caused serious domestic and international impacts are strictly prohibited.

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