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中兴通讯合作伙伴阳光合作要求A Letter to Our Partners About Transparent Cooperation


ZTE Corporation and associated companies(hereinafter collectively referred to as "ZTE") has strict processes for the introduction, management, and cooperation termination of its partners. The company adopts a zero tolerance approach to violations, and insists collective decision-making in key processes, so as to guarantee transparency in procurement. ZTE always strives to create a fair, open, and impartial procurement environment for all its partners, and prohibits any non-transparent behaviors from disturbing the normal market competition. Therefore, we call upon our partners (including but not limited to suppliers, contractors, channel partners, as well as their subsidiaries, second-tier suppliers, and other associated companies) to adhere to business ethics, and urge your management members and employees, especially those who directly contact ZTE, to understand and comply with the requirements in this letter.


Associated companies of ZTE: The associated companies of ZTE refer to the wholly-owned subsidiaries or controlled companies of ZTE, including but not limited to ZTE (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. and ZTE Kangxun Telecom Co., Ltd.

ZTE's partner has the obligation to understand the scope of associated companies of ZTE specified in this letter by querying the annual statement of ZTE or consulting ZTE or the contracting party, and shall not defend in any form in litigation or arbitration on the grounds that the scope of the associated companies of ZTE specified in this letter is unclear.


Associated companies of a partner: The associated companies of a partner refer to companies that have direct or indirect equity ties with the partner, including but not limited to those having direct or indirect controlling relationship with the partner in terms of capital, operation, purchase and sales, those who are directly or indirectly controlled by the same party as the partner is, and other stakeholders of the partner.

一、合作伙伴阳光合作要求 Requirements for Transparent Cooperation

(一)、禁止贿赂行为 Prohibition on Bribery


Any form of bribery is strictly prohibited. The partner shall not directly or indirectly provide, agree to provide, or authorize any third party to provide bribery or any other improper benefits to persons who might bring impact to ZTE and its associated companies, persons who represent ZTE, public employees, or other relevant personnel.

The following behaviors will be regarded as violations against this requirement.

1.1 提供现金或现金等价物,包括但不限于现金、贷款、红包、回扣、手续费、礼金、佣金、分红、好处费、劳务费、有价证券、技术协作费、分红或其它名目的费用、以及礼品卡、购物卡、银行卡、购物券、消费卡、会员卡、旅行支票、加油卡、交通卡、预付费借记卡、电话卡、实物兑换券等现金等价物;

1.1 Offering any form of cash or cash equivalents, including but not limited to loans, red packets with money, kickbacks, handling fees, gift money, commissions, dividends, facilitating payments, service charge, valued securities, technical cooperation fees, gift cards, shopping cards, bank cards, shopping vouchers, member cards, traveler's checks, gas cards, transportation cards, prepaid debit cards, and phone cards.

1.2 提供不合适的商业礼仪或馈赠,包括但不限于礼品、礼物、贵重物品、高价值文化礼品、娱乐(包括打球、打牌、喝茶、KTV等)、因私用车、因私住宿或代付住宿费或报销住宿费、宴请、超标工作餐(标准为每人每次不得超过100元人民币20美元)提供食宿报销发票、旅游或以旅游为目的在风景区召开的会议、健身等高消费娱乐活动、高规格接待等;

1.2 Offering improper gifts or hospitality, including but not limited to gifts, especially highly valuable ones, entertainment such as ball games, chess games, coffee chat, karaoke, free accommodation and vehicle use for private reasons, banquets, working meals exceeding the standard budget (that is, CNY 100 or USD 20 per person per meal), reimbursement for personal meals and accommodation, sight-seeing, conferences held at scenic spots on the purpose of sight-seeing, fitness activities, and other high-consumption hospitality activities.

1.3 提供不当便利以及代为个人支付各种费用,包括但不限于与中兴通讯员工或其近亲属与其业务相关的第三方(或第三方单位相关人员)发生个人经济往来(包括不限于资金借贷、资产租借、投资理财或买卖等);为中兴通讯人员的亲属、朋友等安排工作;代为购买、无偿或低价出售(租赁)、出借车辆、房产等大宗物品等;

1.3 Offering improper convenience or paying fees on behalf of ZTE employees and related personnel, including but not limited to having economic transactions (such as capital lending or borrowing, asset leasing, and investment) with ZTE employees, their relatives, third parties involved in relevant business, and personnel of these third parties, offering jobs to relatives, friends, or other acquaintances of ZTE employees, selling or leasing commodities such as vehicles and real estate at low prices or for free to ZTE employees, their relatives, friends, or other acquaintances, or purchasing such commodities on behalf of ZTE employees, their relatives, friends, or other acquaintances.

1.4 提供非用于样品测试目的的材料和配套设备等。

1.4 Offering materials or equipment that is not used for sample tests.

(二)、严禁邀请、接受中兴通讯员工入股或从事兼职 Prohibition on Inviting or Allowing ZTE Employees to Hold Shares or Do a Part-Time Job

2.1 严禁邀请、接受中兴通讯在职员工以任何形式入股或从事兼职或担任高管(法定代表人、总经理、董事长、监事长等);

2.1 It is strictly prohibited to invite or allow current ZTE employees to hold shares in any form, do part-time jobs, or serve as executives (including legal representative, CEO, chairman of the board of directors, and chairman of the board of supervisors) in your company;

2.2 严禁邀请、接受中兴通讯在职员工近亲属以任何形式入股或任职高管、或从事与中兴通讯业务相关的工作;

2.2 It is strictly prohibited to invite or allow relatives of current ZTE employees to hold shares in any form, serve as executives in your company, or engage in work related to ZTE's business;

2.3 严禁邀请、接受因触犯中兴通讯价值观高压线、侵占资产、失信等问题被开除的员工及其实际控制、任何形式入股;

2.3 It is strictly prohibited to invite or allow former ZTE employees who were dismissed by ZTE due to violations against the top prohibitions related to values, appropriation of corporate assets, or dishonesty, to work in or hold shares in any form in your company, its subsidiaries, or the companies that are actually controlled by your company;

2.4 严禁邀请、接受中兴通讯敏感岗位离职未满两年的员工及其近亲属、以及离职未满两年员工入股、担任其雇员、顾问、董事、高管或股东等;

2.4 It is strictly prohibited to invite or allow former ZTE employees who separate from a sensitive position less than two years and their relatives, or former ZTE employees who separate from the company less than two years, to hold shares, or serve as employees, advisors, members of the board of directors, executives, or shareholders in your company;

2.5 若中兴通讯需要,如实提供自然人股东及高管信息(包括但不限于身份证等信息)。

2.5 The partner shall truthfully provide the information (such as ID card information) of its natural-person shareholders and executives to ZTE if needed by ZTE.


Sensitive position: Refer to R&D material selection, material technology, partner certification, procurement, bidding, planned supply, material reception, incoming quality control, payment, or other positions that involve contact with partners.


Relative: Refer to the spouse, lineal relatives, collateral relatives within three generations and their spouses, and close relatives by marriage.

(三)、严禁商业欺诈行为 Prohibition on Business Fraud

3.1 绝不违反承诺,泄露在跟中兴通讯正常交易过程中的保密信息;

3.1 It is strictly prohibited to violate commitments or disclose confidential information of the transactions with ZTE;

3.2 绝不违反双方签署的合同、协议、承诺和备忘录,按时、保质、保量提供货物;

3.2 It is strictly prohibited to violate any contracts, agreements, commitments, or memorandums signed by ZTE and the partner. All goods shall be provided with high quality in a timely manner;

3.3 绝不蓄意欺诈,故意隐瞒企业实情,提供虚假信息、伪造文件、向中兴通讯虚报资质或其他虚假材料等;

3.3 It is strictly prohibited to conceal any truth regarding the actual situation of your company or carry out any fraud activities, including providing false information, falsifying documents, or providing false certification materials and other false documents to ZTE;

3.4 绝不跟其他投标人相互串通围标、跟招标人串通投标、非法以他人名义投标、以其他方式骗取中标等;

3.4 It is strictly prohibited to engage in collusive bidding with other bidders or the tenderees, engage in illegal bidding on behalf of others, or win bids by cheating;

3.5 绝不伪造中兴通讯印章或公文函件;

3.5 It is strictly prohibited to falsify ZTE's seals or official documents;

3.6 绝不伪造、销售伪造的中兴通讯设备或转卖中兴通讯报废设备;

3.6 It is strictly prohibited to falsify ZTE products, sell fake ZTE products, or resell scrapped equipment of ZTE;

3.7 积极配合中兴通讯的各类审计事件调查,绝不隐瞒可能会对中兴通讯利益造成不利影响的任何信息。

3.7 The partner shall actively cooperate in ZTE's audits and investigations; it is strictly prohibited to conceal any information that may bring negative impact to ZTE.


二、责任条款 Liability for Breaches of Requirements


For a partner who violates the requirements specified herein, one or more of the following punishments may apply.


1. For a partner who is undergoing ZTE's partner certification process, ZTE has the right to terminate the process;


2. For a partner who has passed ZTE's certification, ZTE has the right to disqualify the partner;


3. For a partner who is currently engaging in cooperation with ZTE, ZTE has the right to disqualify the partner and terminate the contracts or agreements signed with the partner;


4. ZTE has the right to affix legal liabilities;


5. The partner shall bear the losses incurred to ZTE, and ZTE has the right to claim the compensation of 5 to 10 percent of the contract amount in the past one year.


三、举报路径 Channels for Whistleblowing

举报电话 Telephone:+86 755 26771199  


中兴官网 ZTE official website:

当面举报 Face-to-face:向调查部门进行口头举报 Report orally to the investigating department

书面举报 Mail:深圳市南山区中兴通讯大厦A座3楼内控审计  邮编518057  Internal Control and Audit, Floor 3, Building A, ZTE Corporation, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China (Zip code: 518057)

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